The Great Commission

Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you."

Matthew 28:19-20

Discipleship is similar to an internship, where hands-on learning comes from closely following the experienced example of another. While on earth Jesus invited twelve disciples to follow him. For three years they ate with him. They listened and learned through his words and actions. When Jesus rose from the dead, only eleven remained. As Jesus prepared to return to heaven, he challenged those men to put into practice what they'd learned - by making more disciples.

Jesus's mission statement, often referred to as the Great Commission, is directed to everyone who responds to his call to follow him. In the Great Commission, Jesus outlined how his disciples should go and help others grow. First, he explained the scope of their task. In going to "all nations," Jesus assured his disciples that no place on earth was to be exempt from the scope of God's life-changing love.

Second, Jesus instructed his disciples to baptize and to teach. Baptism is a symbol of an inner rebirth that connects new believers with a community of Christians. Teaching budding disciples to focus on Jesus's teaching assured new believers that they would live under the freedom of grace.

Teaching and baptizing a new believer begin the transformation of a new believer into a disciple. However, discipleship is an ongoing process. As you help others mature spiritually, Jesus will bring you to maturity as well.

Helping others find out more about God is Jesus's command for everyone who follows him. Ask God how you can help others see him more clearly.

Source: The 100 Most Important Bible Verses

Pray to God and give thanks for Jesus. His one and only Son, SON OF MAN, who delivered us from our sin and who we seek to glorify and honor for his unselfish love. Pray for strength in faith. A continued growth in personal maturity and a relationship with God. So we may leave a legacy of future disciples to follow HIM. ~ MME Team

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