Monday, August 18, 2014

A Brand-New Beginning

Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, unless one is born again,  he cannot be in God's kingdom.

John 3:3

The people of Israel were much like people today. They were constantly seeking restoration. They wanted broken bodies whole. Broken relationships mended. Their broken nation restored to peace and prosperity. Their broken link to eternity reforged. Yet God did not settle for restoration. He sent Jesus to bring regeneration - a totally new life.

This new life is what Jesus was speaking about when he talked to Nicodemus, a Pharisee of rare character who was honestly seeking God's truth. At first Nicodemus misunderstood the whole concept, arguing that there was no possible way for a baby to reenter his mother's womb and be reborn. But the birth Jesus was speaking about was a spiritual rebirth, a radical reawakening to who you were created to be. The spiritual rebirth was a brand-new way of relating to life that is possible only through the gift of a totally new nature.

The "old" nature was focused on self. The "new" nature is focused on God. Like a newborn who is predisposed toward certain traits because of his DNA but nonetheless has to positively participate in the maturity you need to live a godly life. To mature in that life, you must choose to nurture your new nature. Nourish yourself with the Bible. Exercise your spiritual muscles by acting on what God asks you to do. Rest in God's promise that the past is gone and that you have been born again.

Use Jesus's words as a touchstone anytime you get discouraged about how long it takes to become spiritually mature. You have the right DNA. Adulthood is inevitable. It just take times to get there.

Source: The 100 Most Important Bible Verses

Pray to God to keep your eyes on the prize - the prize of eternal salvation. The process of spiritual maturity is a gift God has provided us on earth to condition us to what awaits us in heaven. Through each transformative trial and tribulation that we encounter God wants us to glorify Him in the process. He wants us to focus on pleasing Him more then ourselves. That means loving when it's unfair (when we are hurt). That means forgiving without regret (do not keep a score card) sure in the knowledge that God is in control and He will guide you through all turbulence that this earthly life might push towards you. Actions taken by a spiritual mature Christian heart will yield the peace and love on earth that which awaits us in heaven. ~ MME Team

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