Monday, August 25, 2014

Character Under Pressure

We... have joy with our troubles, because we know that these troubles produce patience. And patience produces character, and character produces hope.

Romans 5:3-4

Genuine diamonds are known for both their beauty and their strength. Though they begin as common carbon, constant pressure over an extended period of time creates something of rare value. The same is true for strength of character, which is just as rare and even more valuable. True character exhibits integrity through consistent moral excellence. Through the apostle Paul's words, God shares the secret of how this priceless character trait is developed. It takes place through an unexpected process - experiencing joy when you're suffering under pressure.

In several versions of the Bible, the word for suffering is translated "tribulations." This comes from the Latin word tribulum, which was taken from the name of a piece of farm equipment used during New Testament times. A tribulum was a heavy piece of timber with spikes in it that was drawn over newly picked grain. It separated the valuable grain form the worthless chaff. Tribulation, or suffering, does the same thing to your character. It sifts it, helping you sort out what's truly important in life from what's of little value.

As your character grows stronger, so does your hope. Experiencing firsthand how God can use difficult circumstances in a positive way solidifies your hope for the future as it strengthens your trust in him. This character-building process hones the resulting hope by persevering through difficulties. This is what allows you to find genuine joy, even in the middle of suffering.

A diamond has no choice in how it responds to pressue. You do. Choosing to focus on the hope that produces joy during hard times develops a character that's more like Jesus's own.

Source: The 100 Most Important Bible Verses

Pray to God and thank Him for free will and his great love that provides us strength for the journey; as we live and grow under the pressure of this earthly world. We thank Him for free will for it is this freedom that provides opportunity for each of us to grown personally in our one-to-one relationship with God. It is this freedom that reveals how GOOD God really is. That He provides us freedom to stumble and even fall in the pressure of living life while never leaving our side. At times He even carries us through the most difficult of trials and tribulations. He never leaves us, He sees everything we do ... and He still loves us enough to forgive us and grow our heart of worship through every prayer we say and every repentance. We thank you, Lord, for you are the GREAT I AM and you give us the promise of HOPE. ~ MME Team

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