Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Children at Heart

Jesus said, "The greatest person in the kingdom of heaven is the one who makes himself humble like this child.

Matthew 18:4

Jesus's disciples were waiting for a response. They had just asked Jesus an important question, one they sincerely wanted an answer to. It wasn't exactly spiritual in nature. It had to do with position and power. The disciples wanted to know who out of the twelve of them would be the greatest in God's kingdom. Jesus answered them by inviting a small child to sit on his lap. That child became an object lesson in how highly God values humility.

When it comes to power and position, children are at the bottom of the pecking order. They are dependent on others to fill almost every need. They are eager to learn, because they recognize their own ignorance and helplessness. They innocently believe everything they are told, and they share their love freely. Their goal isn't to be the best. Their goal is simply to be who they are. This is the kind of humble, authentic response that God desires from his own children.

Jesus's poignant words reveal that God's kingdom is vastly different from earthly kingdoms. In it, servants, not celebrities, are honored. Jesus came to earth to make it possible for God's heavenly kingdom to begin on earth. Take a lesson from the child in Jesus's lap. Go to God fully aware of your need and your dependence on him. That's the starting point for nurturing a childlike, humble heart.

It is good to want to do great things, but only for the right reason - to bring honor to God, not yourself. Let Jesus's words help you weigh your motives anytime you long to be praised.

Source: The 100 Most Important Bible Verses

Pray to God to give you a humble heart. To love like a child - with full dependency on the Lord's blessings for every breath, every thought, every movement you may take. Let your relationship with God be one of an interconnection held together like the strength of a bungee cord. Although the world may pull you down with intense force of gravity - God will catch you and bounce you back up to the safety of his presence every time. ~ MME Team

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